
Becoming an Aqua Baby is a magical journey. From wetting baby’s head, to safety skills and confident underwater swimming, we build on baby’s confidence through gentle progression on our structured courses. We teach parents to coach their infants in the water. We use songs and games to teach specific safety skills.

As a result, the swimming babies develop emotional stability, deeper sleep and better feeding. Participants should be between 3 months and 22 months old to start the program, with a duration of 45 minutes.

Program Philosophy:

  • We recognize and support the special bond that exists between parent and child. We therefore believe that parents make the best teachers for their young infant and when coupled with our professional guidance, allows the child's water confidence to develop in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • Babies and children all develop at a different pace, so it’s okay for your little one to take their time in the classes. Power struggles and regression are all part and parcel of a child’s physical, mental and emotional development.
  • We are here to help guide and support you through this experience so that your child will gradually become a confident swimmer.

Learning Aims:

  1. Water awareness & confidence.
  2. Back floating: children are introduced to back floating while being supported by their parents.
  3. Submersion: this is introduced in our Jellyfish classes around the 3rd week of the program. The process starts by learning a verbal cue and getting the face wet, before going underwater.
  4. Water safety: Sit, Listen and Wait: this is a safety exercise used at the start of each lesson, to teach each child that they need to wait for parental permission to get into the water. This is introduced developmentally and age appropriately for each class level. Our goal is to help children be safer in and around the water. Teaching your child how to return to the mat or wall if they fall.


  1. The water gives tremendous freedom of movement: Water’s natural buoyancy makes it extremely enabling, allowing babies to exercise a multitude of muscle groups. Water resistance will make these muscle group exercises more effective, strengthening your baby’s heart and lungs as well as increasing his or her co-ordination skills. In addition, this activity also stimulates appetite and leads to improve sleeping and eating patterns. The one- to-one contact between adult and child during a class increases the special bond between the two of you, the skin to skin and eye to eye contact help to increase your connection away from any distraction
  2. Movement in water aids brain development Research indicates a strong link between movement and learning, especially in early swimming. According to Lana Whitehead, the president of Swim Kids USA: ‘Scientific studies show that active movement at a very young age facilitates brain development, intellectual achievement, language acquisition, reading readiness, sensory integration and the building of self-esteem’. Essentially, movement increases a child’s overall ability to learn; they are learning to learn while learning to swim!
  3. ‘Early Swimmers Leave Others in Their Wake’ As reported the Daily Telegraph in 2018, this research carried out by the Griffith Institute for Educational Research was extensive. Lead Researcher Professor Roby Jorgensen said: ‘Early swimmers achieved physical milestones faster, scored significantly better in visual motor skills and many mathematically related tasks. Their oral expression was better as well as general areas of literacy and numeracy.’
  4. Aqua Babies’ baby and toddler swimmers develop early water confidence skills. They are both relaxed in the water and they are trained to develop a good breath-holding ability along with a specific set of safety skills.
  5. Toddlers swimming with us benefit greatly from focused activities. The play and the repetition, along with turn taking, their social skills develop during the group activity. Their achievements in the pool are also building blocks on which their self-esteem will grow and develop.
  6. Our babies and toddlers develop an understanding and confidence with their own buoyancy. Firstly, below the water and later as motor skills develop, on top. This ability enables them to choose whether they are above or below the water’s surface and this control allows for confidence in water rather than fear.

Common questions

  1. What do I need to take to the class?
    • Happy Nappy • Aqua nappy • Nappy bag, clean nappy & creams etc. Some Mums like to take a changing mat too. • A snack (or warm bottle if you are bottle-feeding) for after the swim. • A towel, preferably one with a hood or a toweling dressing gown • Swim Cap, Swimwear and towel for you
  2. When can I start swimming with my baby?
    We advise mothers to consult a health professional for advice. children over 3 months can start in 30 degree pools.
  3. Will my child be able to swim?
    Children under three years old lack the muscle power, co-ordination and the motor-skills to hold their head above the water surface and breathe, therefore, they are too young to learn the more structured swimming and breathing techniques required to master swimming strokes. whoever we have many kids who start to float and swim by themselves at age 22 months
  4. Do I need to be able to swim?
    No need to be able to swim, the pools are all within your depth and your feet will be firmly on the floor.

Class Ettiquette:

  • Arrive 10 mins earlier to the scheduled lesson time. That way You will have enough time to get ready and prepare yourself to join the class. Aqua baby classes are usually group classes, so we need to respect everyone’s time.
  • Make sure your baby is wearing swim diapers to maintain the pool’s hygiene and to ensure his comfort. Babies will surely not enjoy the experience if they are waterlogged in their normal diapers. He/she must be wearing a swimsuit as well
  • Make sure you have everything you need in your bag before leaving the house. You will need to have normal diapers, wet wipes, towels for you and your baby, dry clothes, snacks, drinks or milk bottle.
  • It is better to plan your day. It is better to take your baby swimming when they’re fed, rested and not unwell.
  • We have a lot of fun, colorful, safe and interactive toys available in our classes. Do not hesitate to get your child’s favorite bath toy.